Hello, I'm Peter
Software Engineer

šŸ“ŠData Analyst
šŸŒWeb Developer
šŸ“±Mobile Developer


View my work


Programming Languages

Java, C++, C, Python, JavaScript, Dart




MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase.

Mobile development

Flutter, React-Native, Kotlin


React,HTML, CSS, Javascript

Data Analysis

NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, OpenCV, Scikit-learn, Streamlit, Excel.


  • Keras, PyTorch, OpenCV.

  • Langchain, LMMs, OpenAI, Hugging-Face, Vector databases, Streamlit.

Developer Skills

Github, Linux, SOLID, clean code,Blockchain

Soft Skills

Microsoft Office, Presentation Skills, Team work, Problem solving, Time management


VNCR Media Group

Role: Generative AI Internship

Duration: 1/7/2023 - 1/10/2023

Location: England - remote

  • It's a great experience to be part of a company outside Egypt and to have the chance to work on very interesting projects and meet new people from all over the world.
  • Technology used: Langchain, Agents, Chains, OpenAI, Python.
  • Completion Certificate: Certificate
  • Recommendation Letter: Link


Role: Mobile Development Internship

Duration: 4/7/2023 - 17/8/2023

Location: Egypt - on-site

  • I'm a member of a mobile development team that is required to build complex mobile apps using React-Native and Android Kotlin.
  • We built a lot of apps like Mnara El-Seha as a hospital system app Github Repo
  • Completion Certificate: Certificate

ITI Egypt

Role: React-Native Summer Training

Duration: 09/2022 - 10/2022

Location: Egypt - remote

ITI Egypt

Role: AI Summer Training

Duration: 08/2022 - 09/2022

Location: Egypt - remote

  • Learning Linear algebra fundamentals.
  • Learning Probability fundamentals.
  • Learning Machine-learning fundamentals .
  • Learning deep learning basics.
  • Certificate of Completion

The National Telecommunication Institute (NIT)

Role: AI Summer Training

Duration: 07/2021 - 08/2021

Location: Egypt - remote

  • Learning data analysis using Python using Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib
  • Learning how to deal with supervised learning models.
  • Learning Machine-learning fundamentals .
  • Certificate of Completion

AI Projects

scikit-learn, machine learning, Python, data analysis

Transaction prediction Project Link
  • The problem is a binary classification task aimed at predicting whether a customer will make a specific transaction in the future. Given historical data on customer transactions, Santander seeks to develop a predictive model to identify customers likely to engage in the specified transaction, regardless of the transaction amount.
  • After processing the data and analysis we tried to solve the problem using 5 models: Linear Regression, Adaboost, SVM, Random Forest, and XGboosting(decision tree boost).
  • You can find all the details regarding the data and model analysis in the GitHub repo README and the report in the repo.

NLP, machine learning, Python, PyTorch

Arabic Text Diacritization model Project Link
  • One of the aspects that differentiate Arabic is diacritics. Diacritics are short vowels with a constant length that are spoken but usually omitted from Arabic text as Arabic speakers usually can infer it easily. The same word in the Arabic language can have different meanings and different pronunciations based on how it is diacritized. Getting back these diacritics in the text is very useful in many NLP systems like text-to-speech (TTS) systems and machine translation as diacritics remove ambiguity.
  • We used two approaches to solve the problem: the first is to use a recurrent neural network (Bi-LSTM) with an embedding layer and the second approach CBHG architecture. You can find all the details about the project in the project repo on GitHub.

Image processing, OpenCV, machine learning, Python, Threading

Virtual Calculator Project Link
  • Machine learning project to build a hand-detection project to detect the numbers and the arithmetic operations.
  • We used SVM as a machine learning model and we got an accuracy of 90 percent.

Image processing, OpenCV, machine learning, Python

Hand Gesture Recognition Project Link
  • A machine learning model to detect the numbers constructed with a hand with pre-processing on the image to enhance the accuracy which is the most challenging part because the data set is so noisy. The pre-processing part is to extract the hand from the image with maximum accuracy. In the feature extraction part, we use HOG and LBP. Also, we use PCA for feature extraction. We use SVM as our machine learning model.
  • pre-processing which includes extracting the hand from the image using GMM and K-means. Also, I implemented the LBP algorithm in the feature extraction module.

LLMs, NLP, LangChain, Python, OpenAI, Hugging-Face, Vector database, Streamlit

Blog Writer Agent Project Link
  • During my internship at VNCR, I was working on a Blog writer Agent.
  • The project aims to provide a website that helps to write blogs using a simple prompt.
  • The user just inserts the blog title, the number of words required, and if any resources need to be specified.

Pandas, OpenCV, Python.

Color detector Project Link
  • I built a color detector for videos and images program using OpenCV and Pandas.

Software Development Projects

Big data, data analysis, python, Algorithms, EDA, pySpark

Loan acceptance Project Link
  • Given the dataset from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) comprising loan application information, the challenge is to develop a predictive model that effectively evaluates loan applications to determine whether they should be approved or denied.
  • We followed the following steps to solve the problem:
    • Preprocessing of the data using Spark
    • EDA to visualize our results.
    • Get the association rules between features and visualize the results.
    • Further preprocessing based on EDA and association rules.
    • Apply KNN on the data using map-reduce to predict if the given loan will be accepted or not.
    • Use ML to solve the problem by applying: Logistic Regression, Random Forest, GBT, and SVM.
  • You can find all the details regarding the data and model analysis in the GitHub repo README and the report in the repo.

Flutter, Dart, Bloc, Agile, Github

Reddit Clone Project Link
  • Participated in developing the front end of a mobile application for Android using Dart and the Flutter framework.
  • We were a team of twenty members containing backend, cross-platform, and DevOps sub-teams.
  • Collaborated with team members using version control systems such as Git to organize modifications and assign tasks.Collaborated with team members using version control systems such as Git to organize modifications and assign tasks.


Portfolio Project Link
  • I built my portfolio using HTML and CSS and I used GitHub pages to host it.
  • I used the flexbox and grid layout to make the website responsive and I used the media query to make it mobile-friendly.
  • I used the CSS animation to make the website more interactive and more maintainable.

python, Algorithms, Data Structure

Vector Database Indexer Project Link
  • Main function is to search and retrieve the most relevant vectors concerning the input query.
  • The challenge is to build an indexer that optimized in memory and time and achieved that using vectorized techniques and algorithms like IVF, LSH.

Java, OOP, Data Structures, Threading, MongoDB

Search Engine Project Link
  • Build a Search Engine using mainly three components Crawler, Indexer, and Ranker
  • My Role: I worked on the Indexer which is a pre-processing before storing the data in the DB, and I participated in building the website
  • we got first place among all teams in this project because of the high performance of the code and how it manages the resources.

React-Native, JS, Context, Redux, Axios, Async-Storage, Github, Expo

E-Commerce System Project Link
  • I built an online Store that gets the product using API and gives you the option to add and remove them to your cart to buy them.

C-sharp, SQL, MySQL, Database

Hospital management Project Link
  • Building a Hospital Windows application system.
  • System capabilities: Handle multi-users, Handle the privileges of each user, Make appointments for the patient, and Keep track of the patient's medical history.
  • My Role: I participated in building the DB scheme, I built screens like doctor, nurse, and patient screens.

C++, OOP, Data Structure

Logic Simulator Project Link
  • Built the application mainly for designing and simulating circuits and saving, copying, cutting, pasting, restoring, undoing, and redoing actions.
  • Dealt with several object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, including polymorphism, inheritance, abstraction, and encapsulation.



summer 2022

NVIDIA Certificate Link
  • Learning Fundamentals of Deep from engineers working at NVIDIA by applying on the supervised learningā€™s pipeline using NVIDIA GPUs.

summer 2022

Orange Digital Center (ODC) Project Link Certificate Link
  • I got a fourth place over about 50 other students in the Competitive Programming Hackathon by Orange Digital Center in C++.
  • The competition was on a website called Coding Game on a game called Spider Attack.

Fall 2022

Flutter Course on Udemy Certificate Link 72 hour course on Udemy to learn Flutter and Dart from scratch.

February 2024

React-Native the practical guide Certificate Link
  • The core concepts and theory
  • How to use React, JavaScript and native components
  • Understand how to navigate in React Native apps
  • A closer look at styling and animating React Native apps
  • Instructions on how to use third-party libraries in your React Native app
  • Detailed examples on how to use maps or an image picker
  • A full user authentication flow
  • How to connect to a backend server from your app
  • Debugging instructions

February 2024

FrontEnd Certificate from Udemy Certificate Link Dive deep into front-end development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

February 2022

Web development basics on Udacity Certificate Link The basics of web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Spring 2023

Cairo University: Faculty of Engineering Project Link Certificate Link
  • My team and I got first place in Maze solving competition and second place in the line follower competition.
  • The first competition was to build a car that follows the track line in minimum time and the second competition was to use the car to solve a maze in minimum time using the shortest route.
  • My Role: I participated in building an Android native mobile application using Java to send a signal to the car representing the speed level of the car. The app was required to send a high-speed signal to the car whenever there is a straight line and a low-speed signal whenever there is a curve.
  • Technology used: Java, OpenCV, Image Processing
All Certificates Certificates Link
  • You can find all my certificates in my GitHub repository.

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